Heyer Physical Therapy
84 Cortland St.
Homer, NY 13077
Phone: (607) 749-2219
Fax: (607) 749-2286
The address below should have "in" for "out" in order to be directed correctly- this is an attempt at getting less spam.
M: 8AM - 5PM
Tu: 8AM - 7PM
W: 8AM - 5PM
Th: 8AM - 7PM
F: 9AM - 12PM
Sat: 9AM - 12PM by appt.
Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns - before, during, or after your visit!
Helpful Links

facebook- Heyer Physical Therapy
Follow us on Facebook for the latest info!
American Physical Therapy Association
The national organizing body of Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants. A terrific resource for patients and clinicians as well as aspiring students.
A group of physical therapists working with a bigger voice; fighting for a fair and equitable wage for private outpatient therapists!
New York State Physical Therapy Association
The state level of the APTA. More specific information to NY based queries.
Functional Movement Screening
The creator of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) goes in depth into the screen that is allowing trainers, coaches, rehabilitation specialists and athletes alike to determine possible weaknesses and compensations. Articles and research to guide your quest to stay healthy and perform better.
Mike Boyle's World Renowned Site
Described as the foremost resource for strength training coaches and athletes in the world. Discussions, articles, video, all around the best site for enhancing the performance of trainers, coaches and athletes.
New York State Office of Professions- Physical Therapy
Legislation and professional practice acts containing specific information on the nature and scope of physical therapy in NY.